Azure OpenAI chat model integration.

Setup: Install @langchain/openai and set the following environment variables:

npm install @langchain/openai
export AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY="your-api-key"
export AZURE_OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_NAME="your-deployment-name"
export AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION="your-version"
export AZURE_OPENAI_BASE_PATH="your-base-path"

Runtime args can be passed as the second argument to any of the base runnable methods .invoke. .stream, .batch, etc. They can also be passed via .bind, or the second arg in .bindTools, like shown in the examples below:

// When calling `.bind`, call options should be passed via the first argument
const llmWithArgsBound = llm.bind({
stop: ["\n"],
tools: [...],

// When calling `.bindTools`, call options should be passed via the second argument
const llmWithTools = llm.bindTools(
tool_choice: "auto",
import { AzureChatOpenAI } from '@langchain/openai';

const llm = new AzureChatOpenAI({
azureOpenAIApiKey: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY, // In Node.js defaults to process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY
azureOpenAIApiInstanceName: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_INSTANCE_NAME, // In Node.js defaults to process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_INSTANCE_NAME
azureOpenAIApiDeploymentName: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_NAME, // In Node.js defaults to process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_NAME
azureOpenAIApiVersion: process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION, // In Node.js defaults to process.env.AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION
temperature: 0,
maxTokens: undefined,
timeout: undefined,
maxRetries: 2,
// apiKey: "...",
// baseUrl: "...",
// other params...

const messages = [
type: "system" as const,
content: "You are a helpful translator. Translate the user sentence to French.",
type: "human" as const,
content: "I love programming.",
const result = await llm.invoke(messages);
AIMessage {
  "id": "chatcmpl-9u4Mpu44CbPjwYFkTbeoZgvzB00Tz",
  "content": "J'adore la programmation.",
  "response_metadata": {
    "tokenUsage": {
      "completionTokens": 5,
      "promptTokens": 28,
      "totalTokens": 33
    "finish_reason": "stop",
    "system_fingerprint": "fp_3aa7262c27"
  "usage_metadata": {
    "input_tokens": 28,
    "output_tokens": 5,
    "total_tokens": 33

Streaming Chunks
for await (const chunk of await {
AIMessageChunk {
  "id": "chatcmpl-9u4NWB7yUeHCKdLr6jP3HpaOYHTqs",
  "content": ""
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": "J"
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": "'adore"
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": " la"
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": " programmation",,
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": ".",,
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": "",
  "response_metadata": {
    "finish_reason": "stop",
    "system_fingerprint": "fp_c9aa9c0491"
AIMessageChunk {
  "content": "",
  "usage_metadata": {
    "input_tokens": 28,
    "output_tokens": 5,
    "total_tokens": 33

Aggregate Streamed Chunks
import { AIMessageChunk } from '@langchain/core/messages';
import { concat } from '@langchain/core/utils/stream';

const stream = await;
let full: AIMessageChunk | undefined;
for await (const chunk of stream) {
full = !full ? chunk : concat(full, chunk);
AIMessageChunk {
  "id": "chatcmpl-9u4PnX6Fy7OmK46DASy0bH6cxn5Xu",
  "content": "J'adore la programmation.",
  "response_metadata": {
    "prompt": 0,
    "completion": 0,
    "finish_reason": "stop",
    "system_fingerprint": "fp_3aa7262c27fp_3aa7262c27fp_3aa7262c27fp_3aa7262c27fp_3aa7262c27fp_3aa7262c27fp_3aa7262c27"
  "usage_metadata": {
    "input_tokens": 28,
    "output_tokens": 5,
    "total_tokens": 33

Bind tools
import { z } from 'zod';

const GetWeather = {
name: "GetWeather",
description: "Get the current weather in a given location",
schema: z.object({
location: z.string().describe("The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA")

const GetPopulation = {
name: "GetPopulation",
description: "Get the current population in a given location",
schema: z.object({
location: z.string().describe("The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA")

const llmWithTools = llm.bindTools([GetWeather, GetPopulation]);
const aiMsg = await llmWithTools.invoke(
"Which city is hotter today and which is bigger: LA or NY?"
    name: 'GetWeather',
    args: { location: 'Los Angeles, CA' },
    type: 'tool_call',
    id: 'call_uPU4FiFzoKAtMxfmPnfQL6UK'
    name: 'GetWeather',
    args: { location: 'New York, NY' },
    type: 'tool_call',
    id: 'call_UNkEwuQsHrGYqgDQuH9nPAtX'
    name: 'GetPopulation',
    args: { location: 'Los Angeles, CA' },
    type: 'tool_call',
    id: 'call_kL3OXxaq9OjIKqRTpvjaCH14'
    name: 'GetPopulation',
    args: { location: 'New York, NY' },
    type: 'tool_call',
    id: 'call_s9KQB1UWj45LLGaEnjz0179q'

Structured Output
import { z } from 'zod';

const Joke = z.object({
setup: z.string().describe("The setup of the joke"),
punchline: z.string().describe("The punchline to the joke"),
rating: z.number().optional().describe("How funny the joke is, from 1 to 10")
}).describe('Joke to tell user.');

const structuredLlm = llm.withStructuredOutput(Joke);
const jokeResult = await structuredLlm.invoke("Tell me a joke about cats");
  setup: 'Why was the cat sitting on the computer?',
  punchline: 'Because it wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!',
  rating: 7

JSON Object Response Format
const jsonLlm = llm.bind({ response_format: { type: "json_object" } });
const jsonLlmAiMsg = await jsonLlm.invoke(
"Return a JSON object with key 'randomInts' and a value of 10 random ints in [0-99]"
  "randomInts": [23, 87, 45, 12, 78, 34, 56, 90, 11, 67]

import { HumanMessage } from '@langchain/core/messages';

const imageUrl = "";
const imageData = await fetch(imageUrl).then(res => res.arrayBuffer());
const base64Image = Buffer.from(imageData).toString('base64');

const message = new HumanMessage({
content: [
{ type: "text", text: "describe the weather in this image" },
type: "image_url",
image_url: { url: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${base64Image}` },

const imageDescriptionAiMsg = await llm.invoke([message]);
The weather in the image appears to be clear and sunny. The sky is mostly blue with a few scattered white clouds, indicating fair weather. The bright sunlight is casting shadows on the green, grassy hill, suggesting it is a pleasant day with good visibility. There are no signs of rain or stormy conditions.

Usage Metadata
const aiMsgForMetadata = await llm.invoke(messages);
{ input_tokens: 28, output_tokens: 5, total_tokens: 33 }

const logprobsLlm = new ChatOpenAI({ logprobs: true });
const aiMsgForLogprobs = await logprobsLlm.invoke(messages);
  content: [
      token: 'J',
      logprob: -0.000050616763,
      bytes: [Array],
      top_logprobs: []
      token: "'",
      logprob: -0.01868736,
      bytes: [Array],
      top_logprobs: []
      token: 'ad',
      logprob: -0.0000030545007,
      bytes: [Array],
      top_logprobs: []
    { token: 'ore', logprob: 0, bytes: [Array], top_logprobs: [] },
      token: ' la',
      logprob: -0.515404,
      bytes: [Array],
      top_logprobs: []
      token: ' programm',
      logprob: -0.0000118755715,
      bytes: [Array],
      top_logprobs: []
    { token: 'ation', logprob: 0, bytes: [Array], top_logprobs: [] },
      token: '.',
      logprob: -0.0000037697225,
      bytes: [Array],
      top_logprobs: []
  refusal: null

Response Metadata
const aiMsgForResponseMetadata = await llm.invoke(messages);
  tokenUsage: { completionTokens: 5, promptTokens: 28, totalTokens: 33 },
  finish_reason: 'stop',
  system_fingerprint: 'fp_3aa7262c27'

Hierarchy (view full)



frequencyPenalty: number = 0

Penalizes repeated tokens according to frequency

model: string = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

Model name to use

modelName: string = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

Model name to use Alias for model

n: number = 1

Number of completions to generate for each prompt

presencePenalty: number = 0

Penalizes repeated tokens

streamUsage: boolean = true

Whether or not to include token usage data in streamed chunks.

streaming: boolean = false

Whether to stream the results or not. Enabling disables tokenUsage reporting

temperature: number = 1

Sampling temperature to use

topP: number = 1

Total probability mass of tokens to consider at each step

apiKey?: string

API key to use when making requests to OpenAI. Defaults to the value of OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.

azureADTokenProvider?: (() => Promise<string>)

A function that returns an access token for Microsoft Entra (formerly known as Azure Active Directory), which will be invoked on every request.

azureOpenAIApiDeploymentName?: string

Azure OpenAI API deployment name to use for completions when making requests to Azure OpenAI. This is the name of the deployment you created in the Azure portal. e.g. "my-openai-deployment" this will be used in the endpoint URL: https://{InstanceName}

azureOpenAIApiInstanceName?: string

Azure OpenAI API instance name to use when making requests to Azure OpenAI. this is the name of the instance you created in the Azure portal. e.g. "my-openai-instance" this will be used in the endpoint URL:{DeploymentName}/

azureOpenAIApiKey?: string

API key to use when making requests to Azure OpenAI.

azureOpenAIApiVersion?: string

API version to use when making requests to Azure OpenAI.

azureOpenAIBasePath?: string

Custom endpoint for Azure OpenAI API. This is useful in case you have a deployment in another region. e.g. setting this value to "" will be result in the endpoint URL:{DeploymentName}/

logitBias?: Record<string, number>

Dictionary used to adjust the probability of specific tokens being generated

logprobs?: boolean

Whether to return log probabilities of the output tokens or not. If true, returns the log probabilities of each output token returned in the content of message.

maxTokens?: number

Maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. -1 returns as many tokens as possible given the prompt and the model's maximum context size.

modelKwargs?: Record<string, any>

Holds any additional parameters that are valid to pass to openai.createCompletion that are not explicitly specified on this class.

openAIApiKey?: string

API key to use when making requests to OpenAI. Defaults to the value of OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. Alias for apiKey

organization?: string
stop?: string[]

List of stop words to use when generating Alias for stopSequences

stopSequences?: string[]

List of stop words to use when generating

supportsStrictToolCalling?: boolean

Whether the model supports the strict argument when passing in tools. If undefined the strict argument will not be passed to OpenAI.

timeout?: number

Timeout to use when making requests to OpenAI.

topLogprobs?: number

An integer between 0 and 5 specifying the number of most likely tokens to return at each token position, each with an associated log probability. logprobs must be set to true if this parameter is used.

user?: string

Unique string identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse.

client: OpenAIClient
clientConfig: ClientOptions


